2023 Statistics
Current thru December 31, 2023
Hottest temperature 116°F (47°C) on July 19
Coldest temperature 27°F (-3°C) on Jan. 24
Lowest maximum 49°F (9°C) on January 23
Highest minimum 89°F (32°C) on July 16
Total rain so far this year 10.42 in.
Most rain in one day 1.22 in. on December 22
Most rain in one month 2.05 in. in August

2023 month Average Hi-Lo Rainfall Max Min
January 62°   39° 1.87 in. 76° 27°
February 66°   40° 1.57 in. 78° 31°
March 70°   45° 1.86 in. 82° 35°
April 88°   52° 0.00 in. 102° 32°
May 94°   62° 0.03 in. 104° 48°
June 101°   66° 0.00 in. 110° 59°
July 111°   82° 0.56 in. 116° 74°
August 107°   80° 2.05 in. 113° 73°
September 100°   70° 0.11 in. 112° 62°
October 92°   62° 0.01 in. 105° 48°
November 79°   51° 0.53 in. 93° 42°
December 70°   43° 1.83 in. 83° 33°

The number of days this year the HIGH temperature was
Less than 50° 1 day
Less than 60° 22 days
Less than 70° 76 days
90° or more 177 days
100° or more 106 days
110° or more 36 days
115° or more 6 days

The number of days this year the LOW temperature was
32° or less 10 days
70° or more 93 days
80° or more 39 days
85° or more 19 days