2024 Statistics
Current thru July 25, 2024
Hottest temperature 116°F (47°C) on July 8
Coldest temperature 26°F (-3°C) on January 9
Lowest maximum 49°F (9°C) on January 7
Highest minimum 90°F (32°C) on June 21, July 24
Total rain so far this year 6.46 in.
Most rain in one day 0.73 in. on February 1
Most rain in one month 2.43 in. in February

2024 month Average Hi-Lo Rainfall Max Min
January 65°   39° 1.44 in. 80° 26°
February 70°   43° 2.43 in. 82° 33°
March 74°   46° 1.79 in. 84° 38°
April 85°   52° 0.38 in. 100° 38°
May 95°   62° 0.00 in. 105° 51°
June 107°   77° 0.27 in. 115° 67°
July 111°   85° 0.15 in. 116° 77°
August --°   --° ---- in. --° --°
September --°   --° ---- in. --° --°
October --°   --° ---- in. --° --°
November --°   --° ---- in. --° --°
December --°   --° ---- in. --° --°

The number of days this year the HIGH temperature was
Less than 50° 1 day
Less than 60° 16 days
Less than 70° 45 days
90° or more 92 days
100° or more 63 days
110° or more 29 days
115° or more 3 days

The number of days this year the LOW temperature was
32° or less 7 days
70° or more 53 days
80° or more 34 days
85° or more 21 days
90° or more 2 days