½ mile WSW of University Dr.
and Red Mountain Freeway
in east Mesa, Arizona
33.42° N  , 111.64° W  
elevation 1518 ft.

Current weather is usually updated every 15 minutes.
Sometimes routine maintenance requires a missed update.

* July 3, 2024 - I did some brief routine maintenance just after 3:45 pm today.
I wasn't fast enough so a little too much sun entered the shelter.
The high temp went up at 3:48pm but the spike was not seen by other thermometers.
I corrected the temporary high of 112° back to 111°.

Mobile current weather - https://www.mesa.azweather.com/mobile.html

Weather Instruments

  Rain Gauges
National Weather Service rain gauge.
8 inch collector - resolution 0.01"
This gauge is used for all daily rainfall totals.
Daily rainfall totals measured by the automatic rain gauge
will be corrected to match this gauge.
Corrected ammounts are indicated with a red *.

Rainwise automatic rain gauge.
8 inch collector size - resolution 0.01"
It's the source for all web site current rainfall ammounts.
This gauge is very accurate, but it will sometimes add .01" of rain
when there is a heavy morning dew. It may not be accurate when
rainfall is very heavy. For these reasons real time rainfall totals
should not be considered exact measures of total rainfall.

  Temperature and Humidity
The temperature and humidity sensors are suspended 5 feet above
ground in a former NWS weather shelter.

A Rainwise Weather Station is the source for all
temperature, humidity, rainfall, and wind data.
A Toshiba notebook monitors the weather station and
updates the website.
Power is supplied to both the weather station and notebook
by solar panels during the day and batteries at night.

Separate instruments installed by the National Weather Service are
used to report temperature and rainfall to the NWS daily.
  Station Name : East Mesa   -   updated daily at 7pm.
    Regional Max/Min Temp and PrecipTable   -  NWS Climate